Navigating The Storm of Stress- How to Handle


Feeling relaxed with reduced stress

Navigating the storm of stress can be a powerful tool in your wellness toolbox.  Stress is an inevitable part of life. From demanding jobs to personal responsibilities, we all experience stress at various points in our lives. While we can’t eliminate stress entirely, we can learn to manage it effectively. Let’s explore the practical strategies to help you navigate the storm of stress and emerge stronger on the other side.

1.Recognize Stress Triggers

When navigating the storm of stress try to identify what’s causing the stress.  Is it work related, personal issues, or a combination of the both? Once you recognize the source of your stress, you can begin to address it more effectively.

2. Practice Mindfulness

We are firm believers in practicing mindfulness and we understand that it may not come easy to everyone. Mindfulness involves staying present in the moment without judgement. Mindfulness techniques, like meditation and deep breathing can help you stay grounded and reduce stress. We find that regular practice can improve your resilience to life’s challenges.
Our Get A Grip roller blend may also help to invite a gentle wave a calm throughout your body when you feel the onset of stress.

3. Prioritize Self Care

Taking care of yourself is crucial for self care and stress management. Carving out time for activities you enjoy sparks joy within and helps to bring down stress levels. Tapping into hobbies you had as a child is a wonderful way to manage stress. A morning routine of quiet time, meditation, and journaling is another practice of self care. This can be as little as ten minutes every morning that can build up to a longer stretch of time if needed or desired. We often talk about the importance of sleep being the foundation of your day. Think back to the nights where you got 3 hours of sleep and how you felt the following day. Your eyes literally hurt. Our Doze Off sleep roller blend is an excellent way to invite a night of sweet slumber.

4. Time Management

Sounds so easy but we all get off track from time to time. We have good intentions for the start of the day but before you know it we are scrolling up to 30 mins at a time, sending reels to loved ones and caught in a loop of mind numbing images. Effective time management can significantly reduce stress. Create a schedule, set priorities, and break tasks into manageable steps. By staying organized, you can prevent last minute rushes and reduce stress.

5. Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is another excellent tool to have when navigating the storm of stress.  It releases endorphins, your body’s natural mood elevators. This movement can be anything you and your body enjoys. Walking, yoga, lifting weights, spin class, whatever you enjoy try to carve out time and see your stress levels drop. You will often find that during this time of exercise your mind becomes clear and invites moments of clarity and creativity!

Gratitude when navigating stress

6. Practice Gratitude

Shift your focus from stressors to positive aspects of your life. This is easier said than done but over time this practice can become a habit. We often get stuck in the negative. Everything that is going wrong. But when we sit in gratitude and reflect on the good you will be surprised on how much you really do have going for you. It’s so important as we move through life to acknowledge all the beautiful things we do have in our own lives.

7. Learn to Say No

After going through some personal struggles in my life, saying “No” came much easier to me as I had to protect my own boundaries. NO…is in fact a complete sentence. Read that again. No is in fact a complete sentence. Don’t over extend yourself. It’s OK to decline additional commitments when your plate is already full. You owe absolutely nothing to anyone and as you become more comfortable in doing so you will gain a sense of confidence. Setting boundaries is essential for reducing stress.

Handling stress is a journey that requires patience and practice. By recognizing your stress triggers, practicing mindfulness, prioritizing self care, and employing management techniques, you can regain control over your life and reduce your stress levels. Remember, you have the power to navigate the storm and emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side.

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